DIY Marquees have contracted local company Helios Energy to install a 4KW solar panel system at HQ on Hevnbury industrial estate next to Dorking West station.
Looking for a way to reduce energy bills and utilise free space above the unit, DIY Marquees brought in Helios to design a bespoke system which suited their energy requirements.
Director Spencer King said, « At DIY Marquees we use a lot of manufacturing equipment so it made sense to generate as much as we can from solar whilst also increasing insulation and fitting low energy lighting. We believe solar is something all companies should look at espacially those with large industrial roofs. We would like to express our gratitude to TDSolarGroup for facilitating and Helios Energy for a thoroughly professional and efficient service. »
The 15 panel system to be commissioned in the next few days, will earn DIY Marquees £450 a year from government feed-in tariffs and save over £200 pound a year on electricity bills, effectively protected against energy price increases. They will reap these financial benefits for 20 years to come.
Steve McDonald of local, not-for-profit TDSolarGroup, which facilitated the installation said, « This is a perfect example of what can be achieved locally and comes only weeks after over 200 nations around the world committed to limit global emissions at the Paris Climate talks. This renewable system will save 1.5 tonnes per annum in CO2 emissions. It also demonstrates that honoring business environmental responsibilities are in the longer term the right business decisions. »